Get Visually Appealing Website With PSD to WordPress Template Jun 9, 2011 WordPress is a well known CMS that provides a lot of flexibility and useful features. With the help of WordPress, it is extremely easy to manage, edit and update a website. With traditional methods of website development like PSD to HTML/XHTML or PSD to CSS, one requires professional help to make changes to a website, but not with PSD to WordPress. It provides a user friendly and easy to manage website. Information Appealing template Visually Website Wordpress
Order product list on your homepage in Magento Jun 3, 2011 I recently found that having worked out how to place a cateogry of products on the homepage of my Magento site I wanted to specify the order that those products were listed in. Mainly this was because I was hiding the standard Magento toolbars, so the customer could not do this themselves. The first place I started looking was the system configuration menu, see below. This seemed like a promising place to start with the dropdown for “Product Listing Sort by”. Development How To's Magento Website cms ecommerce magento development template web development
Add a new Magento CMS Template Apr 14, 2011 I usually try and stick to the standard Magento templates where possible. The 3 column, 2 column left and right and single column layouts are nicely put together and it gives enough flexibility for most sites. I have recently been dealing with sites with landing pages that follow a single design layout but that are a bit too complicated to build from scratch each time using the single column template. So, I wondered how simple would it be to create my own template file that I can use for CMS pages, with dedicated blocks for different areas of the page. Development Development How To's Magento cms magento development template
Magento: Display the store telephone number Mar 13, 2011 Displaying the store telephone number that you entered into the Magento Admin seems like it should be obvious but it took me ages to track down, here is how. In a template file you add the telephone number by calling getStoreConfig like this… <?php echo Mage::getStoreConfig('general/store_information/phone'); ?> But from within the CMS, it is much simpler – there is actually a link to insert it somewhere in the menu that Development Development How To's Magento layout magento development telephone template