Fairmoves – Guernsey Estate Agent Website Apr 13, 2010 Fairmoves was a website for a startup estate agent in Guernsey, the project gave me the chance to write a Ruby on Rails application and involved a really slick integrated design. The design used a simple informational front page with a scriptaculous slider control that allowed users to select a price range to view on the property listing page. The listing for each property was put together from highly structured database fields that allowed for some slick graphics indicating the number of bedrooms, bathrooms etc. Portfolio Ruby on Rails Website estate agent guernsey ruby on rails development scriptaculous
Loans Aggregator for Guernsey Feb 11, 2010 For this project we added the Prototype and Scriptaculous javascript libraries to find.gg in order to provide some sliders and AJAX functionality for a loans aggregator for the local Guernsey loans market. The loan providers can all be configured in the sites admin interface and the customer simply selects their loan amount and term and their loan options are presented in a grid with details fo the company and their offer. Development Ruby on Rails AJAX guernsey Javascript Prototype scriptaculous
Loans Calculator In Javascript Mar 6, 2008 We could see that a huge amount of SEO traffic was navigating to the calculator even though the links to the calculator were not emphasised. We added the calculator to try and engage that traffic in order to improve CTE. By giving customers access to the functionality that they want we hoped to keep them on the site longer and expose them to more marketing. Even more traffic reached the calculator but CTE was unaffected. Portfolio Website central trust design Javascript Prototype scriptaculous web website development