
HTML5 Last model for PSD to HTML conversions

Oct 1, 2011

HTML5 Last model for PSD to HTML conversions Article by HTML Angels HTML5 is a new version of HTML. It is revised by the World Wide Web consortium which is also called as W3C. In 2009, this organization decided to focus the attention on new versions of HTML. Instead of upgrading XHTML2 they concreted their efforts on HTML5. As a matter of fact the HTML5 is the end of HTML so this model should be given importance because it contains more benefits and advantages both for the online users and online search engines.

Wits Technologies at the Forefront of WordPress Development in India

Sep 29, 2011

Wits Technologies at the Forefront of WordPress Development in India Like other web development facilities, WordPress offers coders a unique medium for creating sites. WordPress is a relatively new open source platform, created in PHP and MySQL which allows for the creation of simple and robust website. WordPress development at Wits Technologies is a methodically planned out process. It begins with careful planning and deciding if the level of functionality requires the integration of themes and plugins.

Where is HTML5 today?

Sep 27, 2011

Where is HTML5 today? New technologies have always attracted controversies related to implementation and compatibility with preexisting environments. It is certainly the case for the latest developments in web technologies like HTML5 or CSS3, which may discourage web designers and developers from implementing their features, mainly due to the fact that they are yet to receive full browser support. However, wide acceptance by designers and developers to embrace the newer technologies, will most likely push other technologies to implement change and adapt more quickly.

Hire WordPress Developers For Offshore Web Development

Sep 26, 2011

Hire WordPress Developers For Offshore Web Development If you are looking for a developer to hire for web development project from an offshore consulting, hire a WordPress developer. There are some interesting facts shared here for your study. WordPress is a CMS web application developed in PHP and MySQL. Today many blog sites are built in WordPress in the world. It has many plug-ins, templates and layouts for easily customize our website.

Dive into HTML5

Sep 24, 2011

Dive into HTML5 Just question yourself “If you want to build a new web site from scratch than which doc type would you use?” “Well, then I guess that you would like to go with “. As HTML5 programming is an excellent tool for new websites and apps. HTML5 specifications:- Interactivity and Native support :-From past many years the web developers were trying to invent a tool which has capacity to display fluid animations, stream video, play music and integrate with Social networking sites.

What Does HTML5 Mean for Web Development?

Sep 22, 2011

What Does HTML5 Mean for Web Development? Article by John K. Taylor The practice of web development is based upon using a variety of technical languages to ‘write’ or ‘code’ sites online. Developers study for years to get a good grasp of these languages so that they are able to build the amazing effects you see on modern websites. Understandably, then, when a new mark-up language is released it is usually surrounded by a considerable amount of both hype and trepidation from web development professionals.

Hire WordPress Developer

Sep 21, 2011

Hire WordPress Developer In early stage of WordPress, it was more of blogging software but now developers are using it very innovatively like using it as website CMS software similar to Joomla and Drupal. Because of its strong SEO related compatibilities and support, thousands of paid or free plug-ins, widgets, and themes are available to download and integrate to provide all required tools for developing a full featured website. WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), often used as a blog publishing application, powered by PHP and MySQL.

Know more about WordPress development

Sep 19, 2011

Know more about WordPress development Article by Dreamsoft Infotech Pvt Ltd WordPress is a rich and robust content management system, which grants the administrator to handle and manage the content of the site with much ease. WordPress development can be best employed and utilized if you are creating a site right from the scratch. Initially bragged and boasted as just blogging software, now WordPress development has been characterized as an outstanding tool for developing eye catching and appealing websites.

Google to use HTML5 in Gmail

Sep 17, 2011

Google to use HTML5 in Gmail Ibuynow Laptop Battery – In keeping with Google’s enthusiasm for the emerging HTML5 standard, many upcoming features of the company’s Gmail Web-based e-mail service will be rendered in HTML5, said Adam de Boor, a staff software engineer working on the service. “We have things that we can do much more efficiently in HTML5,” said De Boor, speaking Thursday at the Usenix WebApps ’10 in Boston.

Wits Technologies at the Forefront of WordPress Development in India

Sep 16, 2011

Wits Technologies at the Forefront of WordPress Development in India Article by Alex Smith Like other web development facilities, WordPress offers coders a unique medium for creating sites. WordPress is a relatively new open source platform, created in PHP and MySQL which allows for the creation of simple and robust website. WordPress development at Wits Technologies is a methodically planned out process.