One-Eyed Willy’s Guide to a good game of Planets [Steve Andrews, 2005][1] Everything here isn’t strictly true and should always be seen in the context of an actual game. As Egg Shen would say: take what you want and leave the rest:) 1. Start of game Max factories. Max mines. Raise engine technology to level 10. Lower tax rate to 0%. Do not waste resources on defence posts or starbase defence. 2. What to build Always use tech 10 engines, except for ships you intend to tow. Use only tech 2 or tech 5 beams, except for mine sweeping ships. Use only tech 5 or tech 10 torpedoes. LDSF’s are the freighter of choice. 3. Colonising the cluster NEVER set the mission to Colonize! This dismantles your ship at the planet. Instead beam down colonists. Always have ships expanding your borders. Set the mission to Beam Up Fuel and drop off 1 clan at every world you come to. Follow these ships with others which drop off enough colonists, supplies and MC to establish a proper colony. On rubbish planets drop 1 clan to act as a listening post. On planets you want to mine drop 200 clans max. 100 clans is a good number unless there are a LOT of minerals underground. On planets with natives drop enough to maximise the tax or, in the case of Bovinoids, the amount of supplies generated. The number of supplies and MC to drop is tricky. Play the long game and don’t bankrupt yourself is my advice. The type of native government is very important. Anything worse than Feudal is poor for taxation. If the temperature is above 15 or below 85 you can effectively ignore it. If it falls in the extremes be aware of population limits! 4. Managing your economy Fuel is paramount. If possible make your ships travel with as little fuel as possible to complete their missions, anything which increases mass wastes fuel. Early on don’t tax your homeworld since this maximises population growth. 5. Conflict To initiate a fight a ship must EITHER: have the race of the other ship/planet set as it’s primary enemy and/or have it’s mission set to KILL. For planets to initiate a fight they must use friendly codes of “ATT” or “NUK”. For ship v ship combat to occur the ships must not have the same friendly codes. If the friendly codes are the same the ships will not fight. Minesweep to detect minefields. Be aware you can lay a minefield to destroy a minefield. Don’t lay 1 large field, lay several overlapping fields. Even high planetary defences are useless against anything larger than a scout. If you are going to maximise the defence of your starbase make sure it has at least 40 fighters otherwise most capital ships will win against it. Simulate all expected battles before committing to an attack [1]: