Magento 1.4 Checklist/Cheatsheet

Feb 3, 2011

I’m starting to work on more and more Magento websites and there are so many little gotchas and configuration settings I thought I would start compiling a list of things to make sure I check while I do the development. I’ll keep adding to this as I fall victim to the “features” of Magento, if anyone else has any pointers then please comment below!

  1. Newsletter Bug
  2. Creating your own module
  3. Run a module method periodically
  4. Updating stock levels
  5. Suppress the newsletter (un)subscribe emails
  6. Read URL parameters (for tracking)
  7. Multi Language
  8. Display the store telephone number
  9. Your own custom translations file
  10. [Fixing a broken pear.ini after migrating server][10]

[10]: /2011/03/magento-fixing-broken-pear-ini-migrating-server/